So it's been entirely too long since I've written - I actually forgot how to find my own blog! Which means it's been WAY too long since I worked out. Life, as it tends to do, gets in the way sometimes. Getting to the gym & running went to the back burner as I dealt with the stresses of getting through poker dealing school (which I'm still working on!) and work and babysitter drama. But I'm back on track - for the moment - enough that I'm hitting the gym & hitting the DVD player!
I was introduced to P90x a few months ago, but just now got started with it. It's nice because I dont have to leave the house to get a killer work out, and it's nice to get some suggestion on effective exercises that I can do later at the gym. The downfalls however are 1. lack of privacy (I should post the video of Olivia doing yoga with me, which entails her crawling through my warrior poses & using my downward dog as a slide for playground balls - when she isnt throwing them at my booty...) 2. Required self motivation 3. extra focus - working around dogs & kids & phones ringing & hubbys wanting dinner. But I think it's a good thing in combination with the gym.
Day 1 wasnt so bad - Back & Chest and Ab Ripper X (which is about as much fun as it sounds). Back & Chest poses a problem because I dont have the proper equipment to do pull ups in my house and I hate push ups almost as bad as I hate pull ups. So it was an hour of me going "I hate this...I hate this...this isnt working...i hate this...Who in God's name came up with this idea?!...I hate this". But, I got through it. Some of them were pretty lame, but I made sure to do something! And then came Ab Ripper. At first I thought "oh - it's only 15 minutes! that's not bad". HAHAHAHAHA. That's not how that story went. AT ALL.
And so for now, I start on an ADDITIONAL phase of exercise & hope it works! I hope anyone who might be reading will share their experiences with their workouts & offer any advice or suggestions! I did find a website of great...I cant think of the word...supporting documents? I dont know. Anyway, visit to download the tracking sheets to monitor your progress! Remembering where you came from is important in getting you to where you want to go!
Now get out there & bust a move!
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