Wednesday, May 19, 2010

WTF are we thinking?!

I'm a novice runner (at best). I always tell people that I use the term "Runner" loosely and I still feel the need to use finger quotes when I refer to myself as a runner. But I like to run. I suck at it - but I really enjoy it. I love everything about it - I enjoy being outside (whenever I got the chance to, which isnt as much now); I like the quick slimming results; I love the music; I love the way I feel when I'm done. I really enjoy running. I also appreciate the irony of the history of the marathon.

I picked up a Women's Running Book (by Runners World), which I really enjoyed, and was reading about the history of the marathon. Turns out the marathon is run to commerate the run from a soldier from Marathon, Greece to Athens to announce the end of a battle - approximately 26.2 miles - and then promptly dropped dead. DROPPED DEAD!!! And yet, for thousands of years, we're all like - dude, that guy died. I want to do it too!!! Nothing could appeal more to my sense of homor, love of irony & drive to kinda be better than other people than that.

So next time you're training and you think to yourself "OMG I'm pretty sure I might die" - dont fret. You wouldnt be the first.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We all gotta start somewhere...

And so it begins.

I have to admit - I was slightly inspired by the movie "Julie & Julia" to start a blog. But I really thinks it's a great way to track progress & be held accountable when you're working toward a goal. And my goal is very specific: Finish the Disney Princess Marthon in March 2011.

The problem: I cant even run a 5k.

But here it starts. I'll track my progress here and inclue what are sure to be hilarious & HOPEFULLY insightful takes on what's going on. I seriously doubt that anyone will ever read this - well, besides BaJean, that is! But if anyone out there does, I hope you'll join me and BUST A MOVE!!!